28,7x19,7 in ~ Pintura, Oleo
Estábamos de vacaciones en una finca, en el campo. El hijo de la dueña de la casa apareció con este ramo, recogido de sus plantaciones, y se lo regaló a su mamá, con todo cariño. Yo andaba con mis pinceles y me puse a pintarlo. Aquí tienes el testimonio del amor filial.
Se envía dentro de 10 días, pues se necesita certificado de exportación del gobierno. Dentro de Chile, en 3 días.
ENGLISH: We were in holydays in the field. The son of the owner of the house appeared with this bouquet gathered from their plantations, and he gave it to his mom, with love. I was there with my paintbrushes and I put to paint it. Here you have the testimony of his love to his mother.
It is shipped within 10 days, as a government export certificate is required.
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